Thursday, April 17, 2008

What is emerging these days?

Ever since my conception of the very original "Emergent Identity" interactive doorway piece, I have become quite concentrated on expanding this theme, building up a body of work related to such . . . the formulations of a thesis, perhaps? I can only hope.

During the Super Tuesday primaries, I was glued to the television, and a quote from an analyst on CNN grabbed my attention: "This much is true, Hillary is campaigning against a movement." To me, a movement connotes active participation for change; a revolt on a less violent scale, but a revolt against something nonetheless. I decided to try and produce a piece (originally intended as a screenprint design) that could convey this emergent movement, one that a large portion of the country is involved in while an important few have failed to take notice. Perhaps this is the emergence of a new political identity of democracy within the United States; if it goes unnoticed or unheeded, we are left to anticipate the repercussions.

Although the screenprints were never realized, I was able to learn a new process – digital polymer plate printing – to produce my prints. While originally intended to be a large poster, they ended up as small postcard sizes. Thus the portfolio of 'emergent identity' work begins . . .

View more prints on my flickr site

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