Saturday, May 17, 2008

Emergent identity methodology

At the beginning of this semester, I set out to develop my original Emergent Identity piece for a new setting and audience in order to prove its adaptability and applicability to additional contexts. Eventually, I decided to go about proving that in a different manner – by creating entirely new pieces that were unrelated in product but driven by the same theory and process that informed the original piece. As a result, I created three pieces that range from art prints, to a web 2.0 site, to a neighborhood identity for North Minneapolis. Collectively, these pieces speak to the strength of the original piece's theory, which I am beginning to roughly map out in the above left image (click image for enlarged view). I hope to use this rough methodology to embark on a new design or an additional iteration of one of the these four designs in order to showcase its ability to be a new design process as well as work out some of the kinks in its theory, wording, etc. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so don't ask how, but i stumbled upon your site. i saw this post for north mpls neighborhood identity. my bro lives in north mpls and has a heart for the people, etc. how did you stumble upon this idea? did you do something for an organization? just brother may be interested in your idea. email me back.